Simple amazing secrets to long life
Having long life is the desire of everyone alive, to archive this you and i have a role to play in order for that dream to be realized. There some simple and amazing tricks that you can easily adopt to live long.
Below are some of these simple and amazing secrets to boost your life span
1.Go to bed early
Going to bed early and having adequate rest as at when due is one of the key to long life. This is based on the fact that rest reduces your chance of developing heart diseases that can cut short your life. not just resting but make it a point of duty to have it on time; researchers have found out that hours of rest before mid night is more beneficial to the body than rest after mid night.
2. Drink tea regularly
Tea contain high quantity of antioxidants known as polyphenols that are very useful in combating heart disease,cancer and premature aging.
Note that you should always reduce your sugar intake in tea.
3. Always eat walnuts
Walnut is considered the most healthiest of all nuts; this is because it is packed with a lot of disease fighting agents that can help to increase your life span.
4. Avoid over eating
Excessive food intake is linked with several health issues ranging from obesity to a host of other diseases. eating less help you to maintain healthier weight and also place less metabolic work on your body. all these combined together to give you resounding health that will give you that desired long life you ever longed for.
5. Maintain a good oral hygiene
Oral hygiene is very essential in maintaining good health. not maintaining a good oral health predisposes you to gum disease that can pave way for other health issues to come in. some of the diseases that can results are heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. to ensure a good oral health, always brush your teeth twice a day; morning and evening.
6. Eat enough fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are packed full with vitamins and antioxidants that can help to boost the integrity of the heart and immune system as well as prevent premature aging process.
7. Watch less TV
Recent studied reveal that after the age of 25, an hour spent in watching TV can knock out about 25minutes from your life span. this is based on the fact that you are spending more time on idleness rather that actively working to exercise your muscles. Idleness prevents the body from burning calories and increases your chance of ill health.
8. Always laugh
Laughing help to energize the immune system and reduces stress by cutting down the level of stress hormone. it also help to stimulate killer T-cells that to help fight cancer.
9. Avoid cigarette smoking
Smoking can reduce your life span by 10years and also reduces the quality of your life at old age. this is because smokers are more prone to debilitating illness.
10. Drink enough apple juice
Apple juice is essential in maintaining young and refreshed brain, because it can erode plague from the brain.
Simple amazing secrets to long life
Reviewed by Unknown
7:25 am

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