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Health consequence of skin bleaching

Skin bleaching refers to the use of creams and cosmetics to increase the fairness and whiteness of skin. this practice is usually common in Africa, Asia, Caribbean and among mixed and black population in Europe. It is also note worthy that this practice is mostly carried out by women and the health ramifications are usually considered catastrophic on the subject.

Although this area usually have sparse research and less attention has been paid to it by researchers, but there are well established facts that serious health consequences await those that indulge in skin bleaching. Most importantly, the victims of this act are usually ignorant of the fact that there are glaring dangers embedded in this act. 

This practice of skin whitening usually involve the use of several creams and soaps combined together to produce a maximum effect on the skin of the subject. these products usually contain high concentration of heavy metals such as mercury. other constituents of these creams and soaps includes cortisones, hydroquinones, and dermocorticoids. 
Since African usually have darker skins, they tend to combine various versions and models of these cosmetics in order to increase their bleaching effect, thereby exposing their skin to more dangerous effects of these products.

The prolonged use of these products have been proved to have debilitating effects on the health of the users, among these are given below:

1. Hypertension
2. Diabetes
3. Skin and Liver cancer
4. Obesity
5. Depression
6. Kidney failure
7. Blindness
When used by pregnant women, it can result in
1. Stillbirth
2. Neonatal infections
3. Low birth weight

Prolonged use of bleaching creams and soaps also have serious dermatological ramifications ranging from acne and  scarring  to severe hyper-pigmentation, infections and irritation.
From the above health risks associated with the use of bleaching creams, it can be said that bleaching cream is a health hazard across the globe.
Health consequence of skin bleaching Health consequence of skin bleaching Reviewed by Unknown on 12:09 pm Rating: 5

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