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10 proven ways to boost your memory

Memory is an indispensable part of our well being, and as such the need to keep it boosted and efficient can never be over emphasized. it helps to keep us focused, alert and keep track of our past, present and future endeavors.
Memory actually refers to the unit cells compartments in the brain where  retrievable long or short term information are kept or stored. it is important to note that for a memory to be considered efficient, the information stored in it must be easily accessed  as at when due. many factors can positively and negatively affect the functionality of our memory thereby making it efficient or dormant.
From my research, i was able to come across certain factors and habits that can help to boost the power of our brain and hence boost our memory. These factors have been proven beyond reasonable doubt that they can play substantial role in memory enhancement across the globe.

1. Pay attention 
 Maximum attention is one of the greatest tools that can help to boost your memory. this involves focusing on the task before you and taking every bit of it into notice and recognition. when paying attention, it is important to avoid any form of distraction that can sway your memory in the wrong direction thereby compromising its receptive attributes.

2. Minimize stress  
Stress is the chief enemy to memory enhancement. a lot of studies have shown how stress can negatively affect the storage and retrieval of information from the brain. stress increases heart rate and hence decreases your control over your memory. one of the key way to reduce stress is be relaxed and be confidence irrespective of the condition you find yourself. most importantly, do not stress your memory when trying to store information, as this could have serious side effects on your memory overtime.

3. Eat healthy
 There is a direct relationship between your memory and your nutritional value. what you eat have direct and resounding effect on your brain. intake of food rich in protein and omega-3-fatty acid are very beneficial to your memory and hence always include them in your diets. Most importantly, you must increase your water,fruits and vegetables intake.

4. Have good sleep
Having restorative sleep not only help to improve your general health, but also play a huge role in your memory enhancement. sleep help to minimize stress and heart rate and hence improves your memory receptivity and storage ability.

5. Exercise   
This helps to burn excess calories and keep the body fit, in so doing it increase blood, nutrient and oxygen flow to the brain thereby enhancing the functionality of the memory in  storing information.  

6. Avoid smoking
Smoking considerably decreases the efficiency and efficacy of your memory. this is due to the fact that it reduces oxygen transport to the brain. Moreover, smoking also increases the susceptibility to brain damage.

7. Read books
 Reading is one of the most basic and powerful method to improve your brain power. reading makes your brain to think about new ideas by connecting what you are reading to reality thereby making your memory to be more proactive. the act of reading actually instigate the brain to create new cells compartments where new ideas are stored and hence improves memory on the long run.

8. Reduce alcohol consumption 
Alcohol actually causes brain depression and hence decreases alertness, focus and attention. This becomes worse if there is any form of associated brain trauma already in place. This is your choice: if you want to improve on your memory, i strongly advice you to cut your alcohol intake to a minimal level.

9. Avoid certain medications.  
Some medications for alleviating certain brain injury and other ailments are packed with certain sides effects that can negatively affect the brain. when taking some medications, always remember to look at the sides effects to see if the bad sides out number the good sides.
Note that some medications such as sleep aides, steroids, tranquilizers, anti-epileptic drugs and muscle relaxants can have profound negative effects on your memory. please take caution when you come across these drugs.

10. Learn new ways of thinking or acting 
If you want to improve your memory, it is imperative that you adopt certain therapeutic means to achieve it. always try to adopt new pattern or method of doing your day to day activity, as this helps your memory to quickly think in a new direction and hence empowers it for further novelty ideas. try and take a new route when going to your office, school, or any other place you are familiar with. most importantly, socialize with friends and engage in meaningful discussions that can enhance your thinking ability. 
10 proven ways to boost your memory 10 proven ways to boost your memory Reviewed by Unknown on 10:34 pm Rating: 5


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